Natural Edge Slabs
The popularity of timber slabs for benchtops, bartops, tabletops, and many other items of furniture has grown over recent years. Often, a slab will show more of the character and features that make it obvious that it came from a tree – the natural wavy edge, the sapwood, encased knots, gum veins, and features that have historically been avoided in furniture made up from smaller boards. You might even be able to count the growth rings and tell some of the history of the tree by looking closely at the grain and features.
We are lucky in Australia to have a wide variety of timbers that work well as slabs, whether our eucalypt hardwoods are suited to indoors or outdoors or softer timbers best suited for indoor applications. Some species grow to large dimensions and are particularly well suited to cutting large-width slabs for use as single-piece dining tables and kitchen island benches, for example.
Korora Specialist Timbers prides itself on the range of sizes and colors held on site and is always cutting more slabs from salvaged logs or buying slabs from other mills. Species held on-site as of August 2023 include camphor laurel, blackbutt, tallowwood, red cedar, ironbark, spotted gum, bloodwood, New Guinea Rosewood, silky oak, bunya, and hoop pines, Crow’s ash, brush box, rosegum, rose mahogany, redgum and others.