Boxmaking Timbers
The supply of boxmaking timbers is a specialty of Korora Timbers. We cut and machine-select timbers into common sizes for boxmaking. For the sides, this is commonly either 120 x 12mm or 100 x 10mm section. These are generally supplied in 1m lengths and include species such as silky oak, camphor laurel, NG rosewood, red cedar, and Qld maple. Ask also about the availability of Australian rosewood, silver ash, coachwood, red ash, jacaranda, Huon pine, blackwood, NSW sassafrass, blackheart sassafrass, river sheoak, banksia, Honduran mahogany and many others available opportunistically. Discounts apply to orders of 5 boards and over.
For the bases, 150-200 x 4mm is common, again in 1m lengths, most commonly in quarter-sawn silky oak or red cedar. And for lids, common sizes include 250-300mm long x 150-200mm wide x 12mm thick. Lid material is chosen for its exceptional beauty – often including attractive grain patterns such as fiddleback, burl, bird’s eye, crotch, etc., or the oak species in quarter-sawn, or other decorative effects such as spalting. Indicative pricing is $10-30 for many lid panels, although up to $50 for exceptional and rare pieces of burl, tiger myrtle, birdseye Huon, or fiddle back sections.